/* termlib.js - JS-WebTerminal Object v1.66 (c) Norbert Landsteiner 2003-2015 mass:werk - media environments Creates [multiple] Terminal instances. Synopsis: myTerminal = new Terminal(); myTerminal.open(); overrides any values of object `TerminalDefaults'. individual values of `id' must be supplied for multiple terminals. `handler' specifies a function to be called for input handling. (see `Terminal.prototype.defaultHandler()' and documentation.) globals defined in this library: Terminal (Terminal object) TerminalDefaults (default configuration) termDefaultHandler (default command line handler) TermGlobals (common vars and code for all instances) termKey (named mappings for special keys) termDomKeyRef (special key mapping for DOM constants) (please see the v. 1.4 history entry on these elements) required CSS classes for font definitions: ".term", ".termReverse". Compatibilty: Standard web browsers with a JavaScript implementation compliant to ECMA-262 2nd edition and support for the anonymous array and object constructs and the anonymous function construct in the form of "myfunc=function(x) {}" (c.f. ECMA-262 3rd edion for details). This comprises almost all current browsers but Konquerer (khtml) and versions of Apple Safari for Mac OS 10.0-10.28 (Safari 1.0) which lack support for keyboard events. v1.5: Dropped support of Netscape 4 (layers) License: This JavaScript-library is free. Include a visible backlink to in the embedding web page or application. The library should always be accompanied by the 'readme.txt' and the sample HTML-documents. Any changes should be commented and must be reflected in `Terminal.version' in the format: "Version.Subversion (compatibility)". Donations: Donations are welcome: You may support and/or honor the development of "termlib.js" via PayPal at: Disclaimer: This software is distributed AS IS and in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the product is borne by the user. No use of the product is authorized hereunder except under this disclaimer. ### The sections above must not be removed. ### version 1.01: added Terminal.prototype.resizeTo(x,y) added Terminal.conf.fontClass (=> configureable class name) Terminal.prototype.open() now checks for element conf.termDiv in advance and returns success. version 1.02: added support for and Euro sign (Terminal.conf.printTab, Terminal.conf.printEuro) and a method to evaluate printable chars: Terminal.prototype.isPrintable(keycode) version 1.03: added global keyboard locking (TermGlobals.keylock) modified Terminal.prototype.redraw for speed (use of locals) version 1.04: modified the key handler to fix a bug with MSIE5/Mac fixed a bug in TermGlobals.setVisible with older MSIE-alike browsers without DOM support. version 1.05: added config flag historyUnique. version 1.06: fixed CTRl+ALT (Windows alt gr) isn't CTRL any more fixed double backspace bug for Safari; added TermGlobals.setDisplay for setting style.display props termlib.js now outputs lower case html (xhtml compatibility) version 1.07: added method rebuild() to rebuild with new color settings. version 1.1: fixed a bug in 'more' output mode (cursor could be hidden after quit) added socket-extension for server-client talk in a separate file -> "temlib_socket.js" (to be loaded after termlib.js) (this is a separate file because we break our compatibility guide lines with this IO/AJAX library.) version 1.2 added color support ("%[+-]c()" markup) moved paste support from sample file to lib * TermGlobals.insertText( ) * TermGlobals.importEachLine( ) * TermGlobals.importMultiLine( ) version 1.3 added word wrapping to write() * activate with myTerm.wrapOn() * deactivate with myTerm.wrapOff() use conf.wrapping (boolean) for a global setting version 1.4 Terminal is now an entirely self-contained object Global references to inner objects for backward compatipility: * TerminalDefaults => Terminal.prototype.Defaults * termDefaultHandler => Terminal.prototype.defaultHandler * termKey => Terminal.prototype.globals.termKey see also: Terminal.prototype.termKey * TermGlobals => Terminal.prototype.globals * termDomKeyRef => Terminal.prototype.globals.termDomKeyRef So in effect to outside scripts everything remains the same; no need to rewrite any existing scripts. You may now use "this.globals" inside any handlers to refer to the static global object (TermGlobals). You may also refer to key definitions as "this.termKey.*". (Please mind that "this.termKey" is a reference to the static object and not specific to the instance. A change to "this.termKey" will be by any other instances of Terminal too.) Added method TermGlobals.assignStyle() for custom styles & mark up. Unified the color mark up: You may now use color codes (decimal or hex) inside brackets. e.g.: %c(10)DARKRED%c() or %c(a)DARKRED%c() Added key repeat for remapped keys (cursor movements etc). version 1.41 fixed a bug in the word wrapping regarding write() output, when the cursor was set with cursorSet() before. version 1.42 fixed a bug which caused Opera to delete 2 chars at once. introduced property Terminal.isOpera (Boolean) version 1.43 enhanced the control handler so it also catches ESC if flag closeOnESC is set to false. fixed a bug with Safari which fired repeated events for the control handler for TAB if flag printTab was set to false. version 1.5 Changed the license. Dropped support for Netscape 4 (layers). HTML-elements are now created by document.createElement, if applicable. Included the formerly separate socket extension in the main library. Added methods 'backupScreen()' and 'restoreScreen()' to save a screen and restore it's content from backup. (see the globbing sample). version 1.51 Added basic support of ANSI-SGR-sequences. version 1.52 Added method swapBackup(), reorganized some of the accompanying files. version 1.54 Fixed BACK_SPACE for Chrome, DELETE for Safari/WebKit. version 1.55 Fixed dead keys issue for Mac OS (Leapard & later), vowels only. version 1.56 Fixed new ESC issue for Safari. version 1.57 Fixed dead keys fix: now only for Safari/Mac, German (de-de). version 1.59 Dropped dead keys fix, fixed backspace for Safari. version 1.6 Saved some bytes by discarding traces of ancient condition syntax Added input mode "fieldMode" version 1.61 Changes to defaults implementation of the constructor. version 1.62 Fixed a bug related to AltGr-sequences with IE8+. version 1.65 Added options for textColor and textBlur. version 1.66 textBlur accepts also an array of values for multiple text-shadows. */ var Terminal = function(conf) { if (typeof conf != 'object') conf=new Object(); for (var i in this.Defaults) { if (typeof conf[i] == 'undefined') conf[i]=this.Defaults[i]; } if (typeof conf.handler != 'function') conf.handler=Terminal.prototype.defaultHandler; this.conf=conf; this.setInitValues(); } Terminal.prototype = { // prototype definitions (save some 2k on indentation) version: '1.66 (original)', Defaults: { // dimensions cols:80, rows:24, // appearance x:100, y:100, termDiv:'termDiv', bgColor:'#181818', frameColor:'#555555', frameWidth:1, rowHeight:15, blinkDelay:500, // css class fontClass:'term', // initial cursor mode crsrBlinkMode:false, crsrBlockMode:true, // key mapping DELisBS:false, printTab:true, printEuro:true, catchCtrlH:true, closeOnESC:true, // prevent consecutive history doublets historyUnique:false, // optional id id:0, // strings ps:'>', greeting:'%+r Terminal ready. %-r', // handlers handler:null, ctrlHandler:null, initHandler:null, exitHandler:null, wrapping:false, mapANSI:false, ANSItrueBlack:false, textBlur: 0, textColor: '' }, setInitValues: function() { this.isSafari= (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari')>=0 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('WebKit')>=0)? true:false; this.isOpera= (window.opera && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera')>=0)? true:false; this.isChrome= (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome/')>=0 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('WebKit')>=0)? true:false; this.domAPI= (document && document.createElement)? true:false; this.isMac= (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac')>=0)? true:false; this.id=this.conf.id; this.maxLines=this.conf.rows; this.maxCols=this.conf.cols; this.termDiv=this.conf.termDiv; this.crsrBlinkMode=this.conf.crsrBlinkMode; this.crsrBlockMode=this.conf.crsrBlockMode; this.blinkDelay=this.conf.blinkDelay; this.DELisBS=this.conf.DELisBS; this.printTab=this.conf.printTab; this.printEuro=this.conf.printEuro; this.catchCtrlH=this.conf.catchCtrlH; this.closeOnESC=this.conf.closeOnESC; this.historyUnique=this.conf.historyUnique; this.ps=this.conf.ps; this.closed=false; this.r; this.c; this.charBuf=new Array(); this.styleBuf=new Array(); this.scrollBuf=null; this.blinkBuffer=0; this.blinkTimer; this.cursoractive=false; this.lock=true; this.insert=false; this.charMode=false; this.rawMode=false; this.lineBuffer=''; this.inputChar=0; this.lastLine=''; this.guiCounter=0; this.history=new Array(); this.histPtr=0; this.env=new Object(); this.buckupBuffer=null; this.handler=this.conf.handler; this.wrapping=this.conf.wrapping; this.mapANSI=this.conf.mapANSI; this.ANSItrueBlack=this.conf.ANSItrueBlack; this.ctrlHandler=this.conf.ctrlHandler; this.initHandler=this.conf.initHandler; this.exitHandler=this.conf.exitHandler; this.fieldMode=false; this.fieldStart=this.fieldEnd=this.fieldC=0; if (typeof this.conf.textBlur === 'object' && this.conf.textBlur.length) { var a=[]; for (var i=0; i0) a.push(b); } this.textBlur=(a.length)? a:0; } else { this.textBlur=Number(this.conf.textBlur); if (isNaN(this.textBlur) || this.textBlur<0 || this.textBlur>40) this.textBlur=0; } this.textColor=this.conf.textColor || ''; }, defaultHandler: function() { this.newLine(); if (this.lineBuffer != '') { this.type('You typed: '+this.lineBuffer); this.newLine(); } this.prompt(); }, open: function() { if (this.termDivReady()) { if (!this.closed) this._makeTerm(); this.init(); return true; } else { return false; } }, close: function() { this.lock=true; this.cursorOff(); if (this.exitHandler) this.exitHandler(); this.globals.setVisible(this.termDiv,0); this.closed=true; }, init: function() { // wait for gui if (this.guiReady()) { this.guiCounter=0; // clean up at re-entry if (this.closed) { this.setInitValues(); } this.clear(); this.globals.setVisible(this.termDiv,1); this.globals.enableKeyboard(this); if (this.initHandler) { this.initHandler(); } else { this.write(this.conf.greeting); this.newLine(); this.prompt(); } } else { this.guiCounter++; if (this.guiCounter>18000) { if (confirm('Terminal:\nYour browser hasn\'t responded for more than 2 minutes.\nRetry?')) { this.guiCounter=0; } else { return; } }; this.globals.termToInitialze=this; window.setTimeout('Terminal.prototype.globals.termToInitialze.init()',200); } }, getRowArray: function(l,v) { // returns a fresh array of l length initialized with value v var a=new Array(); for (var i=0; i0) a.push(b); } this.textBlur=(a.length)? a:0; rerender=true; } else { v=Number(v); if (isNaN(v) || v<0 || v>40) v=0; if (v!=this.textBlur) { this.textBlur=v; rerender=true; } } if (rerender) { for (var r=0, l=this.conf.rows; r=0) { var ta=text.split('\n'); text=ta.join('%n'); } } else { if (text.join) { text=text.join('%n'); } else { text=''+text; } if (text.indexOf('\n')>=0) { var ta=text.split('\n'); text=ta.join('%n'); } } if (this.mapANSI) text=this.globals.ANSI_map(text, this.ANSItrueBlack); this._sbInit(usemore); var chunks=text.split('%'); var esc=(text.charAt(0)!='%'); var style=0; var styleMarkUp=this.globals.termStyleMarkup; for (var i=0; i0) { this._sbType(chunks[i],style); } else if (i>0) { this._sbType('%', style); } esc=false; } else { var func=chunks[i].charAt(0); if (chunks[i].length==0 && i>0) { this._sbType("%",style); esc=true; } else if (func=='n') { this._sbNewLine(true); if (chunks[i].length>1) this._sbType(chunks[i].substring(1),style); } else if (func=='+') { var opt=chunks[i].charAt(1); opt=opt.toLowerCase(); if (opt=='p') { style=0; } else if (styleMarkUp[opt]) { style|=styleMarkUp[opt]; } if (chunks[i].length>2) this._sbType(chunks[i].substring(2),style); } else if (func=='-') { var opt=chunks[i].charAt(1); opt=opt.toLowerCase(); if (opt=='p') { style=0; } else if (styleMarkUp[opt]) { style&=~styleMarkUp[opt]; } if (chunks[i].length>2) this._sbType(chunks[i].substring(2),style); } else if (chunks[i].length>1 && func=='c') { var cinfo=this._parseColor(chunks[i].substring(1)); style=(style&(~0xfffff0))|cinfo.style; if (cinfo.rest) this._sbType(cinfo.rest,style); } else if (chunks[i].length>1 && chunks[i].charAt(0)=='C' && chunks[i].charAt(1)=='S') { this.clear(); this._sbInit(); if (chunks[i].length>2) this._sbType(chunks[i].substring(2),style); } else { if (chunks[i].length>0) this._sbType(chunks[i],style); } } } this._sbOut(); }, // parse a color markup _parseColor: function(chunk) { var rest=''; var style=0; if (chunk.length) { if (chunk.charAt(0)=='(') { var clabel=''; for (var i=1; ii) rest=chunk.substring(i+1); break; } clabel+=c; } if (clabel) { if (clabel.charAt(0) == '@') { var sc=this.globals.nsColors[clabel.substring(1).toLowerCase()]; if (sc) style=(16+sc)*0x100; } else if (clabel.charAt(0) == '#') { var cl=clabel.substring(1).toLowerCase(); var sc=this.globals.webColors[cl]; if (sc) { style=sc*0x10000; } else { cl=this.globals.webifyColor(cl); if (cl) style=this.globals.webColors[cl]*0x10000; } } else if (clabel.length && clabel.length<=2) { var isHex=false; for (var i=0; i=this.maxCols) this._sbNewLine(); } }, _sbNewLine: function(forced) { var sb=this.scrollBuf; if (this.wrapping && forced) { sb.lines[sb.r][sb.c]=10; sb.lines[sb.r].length=sb.c+1; } sb.r++; sb.c=0; sb.lines[sb.r]=this.getRowArray(this.conf.cols,0); sb.styles[sb.r]=this.getRowArray(this.conf.cols,0); }, _sbWrap: function() { // create a temp wrap buffer wb and scan for words/wrap-chars // then re-asign lines & styles to scrollBuf var wb=new Object(); wb.lines=new Array(); wb.styles=new Array(); wb.lines[0]=this.getRowArray(this.conf.cols,0); wb.styles[0]=this.getRowArray(this.conf.cols,0); wb.r=0; wb.c=0; var sb=this.scrollBuf; var sbl=sb.lines; var sbs=sb.styles; var ch, st, wrap, lc, ls; var l=this.c; var lastR=0; var lastC=0; wb.cBreak=false; for (var r=0; r=this.maxCols) this._wbIncLine(wb); } if (wrap==3) { lastR=r; lastC=c; l=1; } else { l=0; lastR=r; lastC=c+1; if (lastC==lc.length) { lastR++; lastC=0; } if (wrap==4) wb.cBreak=true; } } else { l++; } } else { continue; } } } if (l) { if (wb.cBreak && wb.c!=0) wb.c--; this._wbOut(wb, lastR, lastC, l); } sb.lines=wb.lines; sb.styles=wb.styles; sb.r=wb.r; sb.c=wb.c; }, _wbOut: function(wb, br, bc, l) { // copy a word (of l length from br/bc) to wrap buffer wb var sb=this.scrollBuf; var sbl=sb.lines; var sbs=sb.styles; var ofs=0; var lc, ls; if (l+wb.c>this.maxCols) { if (l=ml-1) this.clear(); } } if (this.r+buflen-sb.line<=ml) { for (var i=sb.line; i=ml) { var ofs=buflen-ml; for (var i=0; i0) { r=this.conf.rows-offset; } else { r=this.conf.rows-1; } for (var i=0; i=0 && r=this.maxCols) { this.c=0; this._incRow(); } }, _incRow: function() { this.r++; if (this.r>=this.maxLines) { this._scrollLines(0,this.maxLines); this.r=this.maxLines-1; } }, _scrollLines: function(start, end) { window.status='Scrolling lines ...'; start++; for (var ri=start; ri=start; r--) this.redraw(r-1); window.status=''; }, // control methods clear: function() { window.status='Clearing display ...'; this.cursorOff(); this.insert=false; for (var ri=0; ri0) this.newLine(); this.type(this.ps); this._charOut(1); this.lock=false; this.cursorOn(); }, isPrintable: function(ch, unicodePage1only) { if (this.wrapping && this.globals.wrapChars[ch]==4) return true; if (unicodePage1only && ch>255) { return (ch==this.termKey.EURO && this.printEuro)? true:false; } return ( (ch>=32 && ch!=this.termKey.DEL) || (this.printTab && ch==this.termKey.TAB) ); }, // cursor methods cursorSet: function(r,c) { var crsron=this.cursoractive; if (crsron) this.cursorOff(); this.r=r%this.maxLines; this.c=c%this.maxCols; this._cursorReset(crsron); }, cursorOn: function() { if (this.blinkTimer) clearTimeout(this.blinkTimer); this.blinkBuffer=this.styleBuf[this.r][this.c]; this._cursorBlink(); this.cursoractive=true; }, cursorOff: function() { if (this.blinkTimer) clearTimeout(this.blinkTimer); if (this.cursoractive) { this.styleBuf[this.r][this.c]=this.blinkBuffer; this.redraw(this.r); this.cursoractive=false; } }, cursorLeft: function() { var crsron=this.cursoractive; if (crsron) this.cursorOff(); var r=this.r; var c=this.c; if (c>0) { c--; } else if (r>0) { c=this.maxCols-1; r--; } if (this.isPrintable(this.charBuf[r][c])) { this.r=r; this.c=c; } this.insert=true; this._cursorReset(crsron); }, cursorRight: function() { var crsron=this.cursoractive; if (crsron) this.cursorOff(); var r=this.r; var c=this.c; if (c0) c-- else if (r>0) { c=this.maxCols-1; r--; }; if (this.isPrintable(this.charBuf[r][c])) { this._scrollLeft(r, c); this.r=r; this.c=c; }; this._cursorReset(crsron); }, fwdDelete: function() { var crsron=this.cursoractive; if (crsron) this.cursorOff(); if (this.isPrintable(this.charBuf[this.r][this.c])) { this._scrollLeft(this.r,this.c); if (!this.isPrintable(this.charBuf[this.r][this.c])) this.insert=false; } this._cursorReset(crsron); }, _cursorReset: function(crsron) { if (crsron) { this.cursorOn(); } else { this.blinkBuffer=this.styleBuf[this.r][this.c]; } }, _cursorBlink: function() { if (this.blinkTimer) clearTimeout(this.blinkTimer); if (this == this.globals.activeTerm) { if (this.crsrBlockMode) { this.styleBuf[this.r][this.c]=(this.styleBuf[this.r][this.c]&1)? this.styleBuf[this.r][this.c]&0xfffffe:this.styleBuf[this.r][this.c]|1; } else { this.styleBuf[this.r][this.c]=(this.styleBuf[this.r][this.c]&2)? this.styleBuf[this.r][this.c]&0xffffd:this.styleBuf[this.r][this.c]|2; } this.redraw(this.r); } if (this.crsrBlinkMode) this.blinkTimer=setTimeout('Terminal.prototype.globals.activeTerm._cursorBlink()', this.blinkDelay); }, _scrollLeft: function(r,c) { var rows=new Array(); rows[0]=r; while (this.isPrintable(this.charBuf[r][c])) { var ri=r; var ci=c+1; if (ci==this.maxCols) { if (ri0) { r--; c=this.maxCols-1; } else { c=0; } } } if (this.isPrintable(this.charBuf[r][c])) { while (true) { var ri=r; var ci=c+1; if (ci==this.maxCols) { if (ri=this.maxCols) this.c=this.maxCols-1; } var line=new Array(); while (this.isPrintable(this.charBuf[r][c])) { line[line.length]=String.fromCharCode(this.charBuf[r][c]); if (c>0) { c--; } else if (r>0) { c=this.maxCols-1; r--; } else { break; } } line.reverse(); return line.join(''); }, _clearLine: function() { var end=this._getLineEnd(this.r,this.c); var r=end[0]; var c=end[1]; var line=''; while (this.isPrintable(this.charBuf[r][c])) { this.charBuf[r][c]=0; if (c>0) { c--; } else if (r>0) { this.redraw(r); c=this.maxCols-1; r--; } else { break; } } if (r!=end[0]) this.redraw(r); c++; this.cursorSet(r,c); this.insert=false; }, // backup/restore screen & state backupScreen: function() { var backup=this.backupBuffer=new Object(); var rl=this.conf.rows; var cl=this.conf.cols; backup.cbuf=new Array(rl); backup.sbuf=new Array(rl); backup.maxCols=this.maxCols; backup.maxLines=this.maxLines; backup.r=this.r; backup.c=this.c; backup.charMode=this.charMode; backup.rawMode=this.rawMode; backup.handler=this.handler; backup.ctrlHandler=this.ctrlHandler; backup.cursoractive=this.cursoractive; backup.crsrBlinkMode=this.crsrBlinkMode; backup.crsrBlockMode=this.crsrBlockMode; backup.blinkDelay=this.blinkDelay; backup.DELisBS=this.DELisBS; backup.printTab=this.printTab; backup.printEuro=this.printEuro; backup.catchCtrlH=this.catchCtrlH; backup.closeOnESC=this.closeOnESC; backup.historyUnique=this.historyUnique; backup.ps=this.ps; backup.lineBuffer=this.lineBuffer; backup.inputChar=this.inputChar; backup.lastLine=this.lastLine; backup.historyLength=this.history.length; backup.histPtr=this.histPtr; backup.wrapping=this.wrapping; backup.mapANSI=this.mapANSI; backup.ANSItrueBlack=this.ANSItrueBlack; if (this.cursoractive) this.cursorOff(); for (var r=0; rbackup.historyLength) { this.history.length=backup.historyLength; this.histPtr=backup.histPtr; } this.wrapping=backup.wrapping; this.mapANSI=backup.mapANSI; this.ANSItrueBlack=backup.ANSItrueBlack; if (this.cursoractive) this.cursorOn(); this.backupBuffer=null; }, swapBackup: function() { // swap current state and backup buffer (e.g.: toggle do/undo) var backup=this.backupBuffer; this.backupScreen; if (backup) { var backup2=this.backupBuffer; this.backupBuffer=backup; this.restoreScreen(); this.backupBuffer=backup2; } }, // simple markup escaping escapeMarkup: function(t) { return t.replace(/%/g, '%%'); }, // field mode enterFieldMode: function(start, end, style) { this.cursorOff(); if (start===undefined || start<0) start=this.c; if (end=== undefined || endthis.maxCols) end=this.maxCols; if (!style) style=0; this.fieldStart=start; this.fieldEnd=end; this.fieldStyle=style; this.fieldC=0; this.lastLine=''; this.fieldMode=true; this.rawMode=this.charMode=false; if (style&1) { this._crsrWasBlockMode=this.crsrBlockMode; this._crsrWasBlinkMode=this.crsrBlinkMode; this.crsrBlockMode=false; this.crsrBlinkMode=true; } this.drawField(); this.lock=false; }, exitFieldMode: function() { this.drawField(true); this.fieldMode=false; this.c=this.fieldEnd; if (this.c==this.maxLine) this.newLine(); this.lock=true; }, drawField: function(isfinal) { this.cursorOff(); if (isfinal) this.fieldC=0; var fl=this.fieldEnd-this.fieldStart; if (this.fieldC==this.lastLine.length) fl--; var ofs=this.fieldC-fl; if (ofs<0) ofs=0; var line = (ofs)? this.lastLine.substring(ofs):this.lastLine; var sb=this.styleBuf[this.r]; var cb=this.charBuf[this.r]; var max=line.length; for (var i=this.fieldStart, k=0; i\n'; s+='
\n'; var rstr=''; for (var c=0; c'+rstr+'<\/td><\/tr>\n'; } s+='<\/table><\/td><\/tr>\n'; s+='<\/table><\/td><\/tr>\n'; s+='<\/table>\n'; var termOffset=2+this.conf.frameWidth; if (this.globals.hasSubDivs) { for (var r=0; r<\/div>\n'; } this.globals.termStringStart='
'; this.globals.termStringEnd='<\/td><\/tr><\/table>'; } this.globals.writeElement(this.termDiv,s); } if (!rebuild) { this.globals.setElementXY(this.termDiv,this.conf.x,this.conf.y); this.globals.setVisible(this.termDiv,1); } window.status=''; }, rebuild: function() { // check for bounds and array lengths var rl=this.conf.rows; var cl=this.conf.cols; for (var r=0; r=rl) { r=rl-1; resetcrsr=true; } if (this.c>=cl) { c=cl-1; resetcrsr=true; } if (resetcrsr && this.cursoractive) this.cursorOn(); // and actually rebuild this._makeTerm(true); for (var r=0; r=0; k--) { var st=tstls[k]; if (curStyle & st) s+=tscls[st]; } } curStyle=cs; for (var k=0; k>>8; clr= (cc<16)? tclrs[cc] : '#'+tnclrs[cc-16]; } else if (curStyle & 0xff0000) { clr='#'+twclrs[(curStyle & 0xff0000)>>>16]; } if (clr) { if (curStyle&1) { s+=''; } else if (typeof blur === 'object') { s+=''; } else if (blur) { s+=''; } else { s+=''; } } } s+= (tspcl[c])? tspcl[c] : String.fromCharCode(c); } if (curStyle>0) { if (curStyle & 0xffff00) s+=''; for (var k=tstls.length-1; k>=0; k--) { var st=tstls[k]; if (curStyle&st) s+=tscls[st]; } } s+=this.globals.termStringEnd; this.globals.writeElement(this.termDiv+'_r'+r,s); }, guiReady: function() { var ready=true; if (this.globals.guiElementsReady(this.termDiv)) { for (var r=0; r='0' && c<='9') || (c>='a' && c<='f') || (c>='A' && c<='F'))? true:false; }, isHexOnlyChar: function(c) { return ((c>='a' && c<='f') || (c>='A' && c<='F'))? true:false; }, hexToNum: { '0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7, '8': 8, '9': 9, 'a': 10, 'b': 11, 'c': 12, 'd': 13, 'e': 14, 'f': 15, 'A': 10, 'B': 11, 'C': 12, 'D': 13, 'E': 14, 'F': 15 }, // data for color support webColors: [], webColorCodes: [''], colors: { // ANSI bright (bold) color set black: 1, red: 2, green: 3, yellow: 4, blue: 5, magenta: 6, cyan: 7, white: 8, // dark color set grey: 9, red2: 10, green2: 11, yellow2: 12, blue2: 13, magenta2: 14, cyan2: 15, // synonyms red1: 2, green1: 3, yellow1: 4, blue1: 5, magenta1: 6, cyan1: 7, gray: 9, darkred: 10, darkgreen: 11, darkyellow: 12, darkblue: 13, darkmagenta: 14, darkcyan: 15, // default color 'default': 0, clear: 0 }, colorCodes: [ '', '#000000', '#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#ffff00', '#0066ff', '#ff00ff', '#00ffff', '#ffffff', '#808080', '#990000', '#009900', '#999900', '#003399', '#990099', '#009999' ], nsColors: { 'aliceblue': 1, 'antiquewhite': 2, 'aqua': 3, 'aquamarine': 4, 'azure': 5, 'beige': 6, 'black': 7, 'blue': 8, 'blueviolet': 9, 'brown': 10, 'burlywood': 11, 'cadetblue': 12, 'chartreuse': 13, 'chocolate': 14, 'coral': 15, 'cornflowerblue': 16, 'cornsilk': 17, 'crimson': 18, 'darkblue': 19, 'darkcyan': 20, 'darkgoldenrod': 21, 'darkgray': 22, 'darkgreen': 23, 'darkkhaki': 24, 'darkmagenta': 25, 'darkolivegreen': 26, 'darkorange': 27, 'darkorchid': 28, 'darkred': 29, 'darksalmon': 30, 'darkseagreen': 31, 'darkslateblue': 32, 'darkslategray': 33, 'darkturquoise': 34, 'darkviolet': 35, 'deeppink': 36, 'deepskyblue': 37, 'dimgray': 38, 'dodgerblue': 39, 'firebrick': 40, 'floralwhite': 41, 'forestgreen': 42, 'fuchsia': 43, 'gainsboro': 44, 'ghostwhite': 45, 'gold': 46, 'goldenrod': 47, 'gray': 48, 'green': 49, 'greenyellow': 50, 'honeydew': 51, 'hotpink': 52, 'indianred': 53, 'indigo': 54, 'ivory': 55, 'khaki': 56, 'lavender': 57, 'lavenderblush': 58, 'lawngreen': 59, 'lemonchiffon': 60, 'lightblue': 61, 'lightcoral': 62, 'lightcyan': 63, 'lightgoldenrodyellow': 64, 'lightgreen': 65, 'lightgrey': 66, 'lightpink': 67, 'lightsalmon': 68, 'lightseagreen': 69, 'lightskyblue': 70, 'lightslategray': 71, 'lightsteelblue': 72, 'lightyellow': 73, 'lime': 74, 'limegreen': 75, 'linen': 76, 'maroon': 77, 'mediumaquamarine': 78, 'mediumblue': 79, 'mediumorchid': 80, 'mediumpurple': 81, 'mediumseagreen': 82, 'mediumslateblue': 83, 'mediumspringgreen': 84, 'mediumturquoise': 85, 'mediumvioletred': 86, 'midnightblue': 87, 'mintcream': 88, 'mistyrose': 89, 'moccasin': 90, 'navajowhite': 91, 'navy': 92, 'oldlace': 93, 'olive': 94, 'olivedrab': 95, 'orange': 96, 'orangered': 97, 'orchid': 98, 'palegoldenrod': 99, 'palegreen': 100, 'paleturquoise': 101, 'palevioletred': 102, 'papayawhip': 103, 'peachpuff': 104, 'peru': 105, 'pink': 106, 'plum': 107, 'powderblue': 108, 'purple': 109, 'red': 110, 'rosybrown': 111, 'royalblue': 112, 'saddlebrown': 113, 'salmon': 114, 'sandybrown': 115, 'seagreen': 116, 'seashell': 117, 'sienna': 118, 'silver': 119, 'skyblue': 120, 'slateblue': 121, 'slategray': 122, 'snow': 123, 'springgreen': 124, 'steelblue': 125, 'tan': 126, 'teal': 127, 'thistle': 128, 'tomato': 129, 'turquoise': 130, 'violet': 131, 'wheat': 132, 'white': 133, 'whitesmoke': 134, 'yellow': 135, 'yellowgreen': 136 }, nsColorCodes: [ '', 'f0f8ff', 'faebd7', '00ffff', '7fffd4', 'f0ffff', 'f5f5dc', '000000', '0000ff', '8a2be2', 'a52a2a', 'deb887', '5f9ea0', '7fff00', 'd2691e', 'ff7f50', '6495ed', 'fff8dc', 'dc143c', '00008b', '008b8b', 'b8860b', 'a9a9a9', '006400', 'bdb76b', '8b008b', '556b2f', 'ff8c00', '9932cc', '8b0000', 'e9967a', '8fbc8f', '483d8b', '2f4f4f', '00ced1', '9400d3', 'ff1493', '00bfff', '696969', '1e90ff', 'b22222', 'fffaf0', '228b22', 'ff00ff', 'dcdcdc', 'f8f8ff', 'ffd700', 'daa520', '808080', '008000', 'adff2f', 'f0fff0', 'ff69b4', 'cd5c5c', '4b0082', 'fffff0', 'f0e68c', 'e6e6fa', 'fff0f5', '7cfc00', 'fffacd', 'add8e6', 'f08080', 'e0ffff', 'fafad2', '90ee90', 'd3d3d3', 'ffb6c1', 'ffa07a', '20b2aa', '87cefa', '778899', 'b0c4de', 'ffffe0', '00ff00', '32cd32', 'faf0e6', '800000', '66cdaa', '0000cd', 'ba55d3', '9370db', '3cb371', '7b68ee', '00fa9a', '48d1cc', 'c71585', '191970', 'f5fffa', 'ffe4e1', 'ffe4b5', 'ffdead', '000080', 'fdf5e6', '808000', '6b8e23', 'ffa500', 'ff4500', 'da70d6', 'eee8aa', '98fb98', 'afeeee', 'db7093', 'ffefd5', 'ffdab9', 'cd853f', 'ffc0cb', 'dda0dd', 'b0e0e6', '800080', 'ff0000', 'bc8f8f', '4169e1', '8b4513', 'fa8072', 'f4a460', '2e8b57', 'fff5ee', 'a0522d', 'c0c0c0', '87ceeb', '6a5acd', '708090', 'fffafa', '00ff7f', '4682b4', 'd2b48c', '008080', 'd8bfd8', 'ff6347', '40e0d0', 'ee82ee', 'f5deb3', 'ffffff', 'f5f5f5', 'ffff00', '9acd32' ], _webSwatchChars: ['0','3','6','9','c','f'], _initWebColors: function() { // generate long and short web color ref var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; var ws=tg._webColorSwatch; var wn=tg.webColors; var cc=tg.webColorCodes; var n=1; var a, b, c, al, bl, bs, cl; for (var i=0; i<6; i++) { a=tg._webSwatchChars[i]; al=a+a; for (var j=0; j<6; j++) { b=tg._webSwatchChars[j]; bl=al+b+b; bs=a+b; for (var k=0; k<6; k++) { c=tg._webSwatchChars[k]; cl=bl+c+c; wn[bs+c]=wn[cl]=n; cc[n]=cl; n++; } } } }, webifyColor: function(s) { // return nearest web color in 3 digit format // (do without RegExp for compatibility) var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; if (s.length==6) { var c=''; for (var i=0; i<6; i+=2) { var a=s.charAt(i); var b=s.charAt(i+1); if (tg.isHexChar(a) && tg.isHexChar(b)) { c+=tg._webSwatchChars[Math.round(parseInt(a+b,16)/255*5)]; } else { return ''; } } return c; } else if (s.length==3) { var c=''; for (var i=0; i<3; i++) { var a=s.charAt(i); if (tg.isHexChar(a)) { c+=tg._webSwatchChars[Math.round(parseInt(a,16)/15*5)]; } else { return ''; } } return c; } else { return ''; } }, // public methods for color support setColor: function(label, value) { var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; if (typeof label == 'number' && label>=1 && label<=15) { tg.colorCodes[label]=value; } else if (typeof label == 'string') { label=label.toLowerCase(); if (label.length==1 && tg.isHexChar(label)) { var n=tg.hexToNum[label]; if (n) tg.colorCodes[n]=value; } else if (typeof tg.colors[label] != 'undefined') { var n=tg.colors[label]; if (n) tg.colorCodes[n]=value; } } }, getColorString: function(label) { var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; if (typeof label == 'number' && label>=0 && label<=15) { return tg.colorCodes[label]; } else if (typeof label == 'string') { label=label.toLowerCase(); if (label.length==1 && tg.isHexChar(label)) { return tg.colorCodes[tg.hexToNum[label]]; } else if (typeof tg.colors[label] != 'undefined') { return tg.colorCodes[tg.colors[label]]; } } return ''; }, getColorCode: function(label) { var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; if (typeof label == 'number' && label>=0 && label<=15) { return label; } else if (typeof label == 'string') { label=label.toLowerCase(); if (label.length==1 && tg.isHexChar(label)) { return parseInt(label,16); } else if (typeof tg.colors[label] != 'undefined') { return tg.colors[label]; } } return 0; }, // import/paste methods (methods return success) insertText: function(text) { // auto-types a given string to the active terminal // returns success (false indicates a lock or no active terminal) var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; var termRef = tg.activeTerm; if (!termRef || termRef.closed || tg.keylock || termRef.lock || termRef.charMode || termRef.fieldMode) return false; // terminal open and unlocked, so type the text for (var i=0; i; // (no history entry for this) termRef.lineBuffer = text; termRef.lastLine = ''; termRef.inputChar = 0; termRef.handler(); return true; }, // text related service functions normalize: function(n,m) { var s=''+n; while (s.length=0) { t=t.substring(0,ofs)+s2+t.substring(ofs+l1); ofs=t.indexOf(s1,ofs+l2); } return t; }, // config data for text wrap wrapChars: { // keys: charCode // values: 1 = white space, 2 = wrap after, 3 = wrap before, 4 = conditional word break 9: 1, // tab 10: 1, // new line - don't change this (used internally)!!! 12: 4, // form feed (use this for conditional word breaks) 13: 1, // cr 32: 1, // blank 40: 3, // ( 45: 2, // dash/hyphen 61: 2, // = 91: 3, // [ 94: 3, // caret (non-printing chars) 123: 3 // { }, // keyboard methods & controls setFocus: function(termref) { Terminal.prototype.globals.activeTerm=termref; Terminal.prototype.globals.clearRepeatTimer(); }, termKey: { // codes of special keys 'NUL': 0x00, 'SOH': 0x01, 'STX': 0x02, 'ETX': 0x03, 'EOT': 0x04, 'ENQ': 0x05, 'ACK': 0x06, 'BEL': 0x07, 'BS': 0x08, 'BACKSPACE': 0x08, 'HT': 0x09, 'TAB': 0x09, 'LF': 0x0A, 'VT': 0x0B, 'FF': 0x0C, 'CR': 0x0D, 'SO': 0x0E, 'SI': 0x0F, 'DLE': 0x10, 'DC1': 0x11, 'DC2': 0x12, 'DC3': 0x13, 'DC4': 0x14, 'NAK': 0x15, 'SYN': 0x16, 'ETB': 0x17, 'CAN': 0x18, 'EM': 0x19, 'SUB': 0x1A, 'ESC': 0x1B, 'IS4': 0x1C, 'IS3': 0x1D, 'IS2': 0x1E, 'IS1': 0x1F, 'DEL': 0x7F, // other specials 'EURO': 0x20AC, // cursor mapping 'LEFT': 0x1C, 'RIGHT': 0x1D, 'UP': 0x1E, 'DOWN': 0x1F }, // map some DOM_VK_* properties to values defined in termKey termDomKeyRef: {}, _domKeyMappingData: { 'LEFT': 'LEFT', 'RIGHT': 'RIGHT', 'UP': 'UP', 'DOWN': 'DOWN', 'BACK_SPACE': 'BS', 'RETURN': 'CR', 'ENTER': 'CR', 'ESCAPE': 'ESC', 'DELETE': 'DEL', 'TAB': 'TAB' }, _initDomKeyRef: function() { var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; var m=tg._domKeyMappingData; var r=tg.termDomKeyRef; var k=tg.termKey; for (var i in m) r['DOM_VK_'+i]=k[m[i]]; }, registerEvent: function(obj, eventType, handler, capture) { if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(eventType.toLowerCase(), handler, capture); } /* else if (obj.attachEvent) { obj.attachEvent('on'+eventType.toLowerCase(), handler); } */ else { var et=eventType.toUpperCase(); if (window.Event && window.Event[et] && obj.captureEvents) obj.captureEvents(Event[et]); obj['on'+eventType.toLowerCase()]=handler; } }, releaseEvent: function(obj, eventType, handler, capture) { if (obj.removeEventListener) { obj.removeEventListener(eventType.toLowerCase(), handler, capture); } /* else if (obj.detachEvent) { obj.detachEvent('on'+eventType.toLowerCase(), handler); } */ else { var et=eventType.toUpperCase(); if (window.Event && window.Event[et] && obj.releaseEvents) obj.releaseEvents(Event[et]); et='on'+eventType.toLowerCase(); if (obj[et] && obj[et]==handler) obj.et=null; } }, enableKeyboard: function(term) { var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; if (!tg.kbdEnabled) { tg.registerEvent(document, 'keypress', tg.keyHandler, true); tg.registerEvent(document, 'keydown', tg.keyFix, true); tg.registerEvent(document, 'keyup', tg.clearRepeatTimer, true); tg.kbdEnabled=true; } tg.activeTerm=term; }, disableKeyboard: function(term) { var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; if (tg.kbdEnabled) { tg.releaseEvent(document, 'keypress', tg.keyHandler, true); tg.releaseEvent(document, 'keydown', tg.keyFix, true); tg.releaseEvent(document, 'keyup', tg.clearRepeatTimer, true); tg.kbdEnabled=false; } tg.activeTerm=null; }, // remap some special key mappings on keydown keyFix: function(e) { var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; var term=tg.activeTerm; var ch; if (tg.keylock || term.lock) return true; if (window.event) { if (!e) e=window.event; ch=e.keyCode; if (e.DOM_VK_UP) { for (var i in tg.termDomKeyRef) { if (e[i] && ch == e[i]) { tg.keyHandler({which:tg.termDomKeyRef[i],_remapped:true,_repeat:(ch==0x1B)? true:false}); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); e.cancelBubble=true; return false; } } e.cancelBubble=false; return true; } else { // no DOM support var termKey=term.termKey; var keyHandler=tg.keyHandler; if (ch==8 && !term.isOpera) { keyHandler({which:termKey.BS,_remapped:true,_repeat:true}); } else if (ch==9) { keyHandler({which:termKey.TAB,_remapped:true,_repeat: (term.printTab)? false:true}); } else if (ch==27) { keyHandler({which:termKey.ESC,_remapped:true,_repeat: (term.printTab)? false:true}); } else if (ch==37) { keyHandler({which:termKey.LEFT,_remapped:true,_repeat:true}); } else if (ch==39) { keyHandler({which:termKey.RIGHT,_remapped:true,_repeat:true}); } else if (ch==38) { keyHandler({which:termKey.UP,_remapped:true,_repeat:true}); } else if (ch==40) { keyHandler({which:termKey.DOWN,_remapped:true,_repeat:true}); } else if (ch==127 || ch==46) { keyHandler({which:termKey.DEL,_remapped:true,_repeat:true}); } else if (ch>=57373 && ch<=57376) { if (ch==57373) { keyHandler({which:termKey.UP,_remapped:true,_repeat:true}); } else if (ch==57374) { keyHandler({which:termKey.DOWN,_remapped:true,_repeat:true}); } else if (ch==57375) { keyHandler({which:termKey.LEFT,_remapped:true,_repeat:true}); } else if (ch==57376) { keyHandler({which:termKey.RIGHT,_remapped:true,_repeat:true}); } } else { e.cancelBubble=false; return true; } if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); e.cancelBubble=true; return false; } } }, clearRepeatTimer: function(e) { var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; if (tg.keyRepeatTimer) { clearTimeout(tg.keyRepeatTimer); tg.keyRepeatTimer=null; } }, doKeyRepeat: function(ch) { Terminal.prototype.globals.keyHandler({which:ch,_remapped:true,_repeated:true}) }, keyHandler: function(e) { var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; var term=tg.activeTerm; if (tg.keylock || term.lock || term.isMac && e && e.metaKey) return true; if (window.event) { if (window.event.preventDefault) window.event.preventDefault(); if (window.event.stopPropagation) window.event.stopPropagation(); } else if (e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); } var ch; var ctrl=false; var shft=false; var remapped=false; var termKey=term.termKey; var keyRepeat=0; if (e) { ch=e.which; ctrl=((e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) || e.modifiers==2); shft=(e.shiftKey || e.modifiers==4); if (e._remapped) { remapped=true; if (window.event) { //ctrl=(ctrl || window.event.ctrlKey); ctrl=(ctrl || (window.event.ctrlKey && !window.event.altKey)); shft=(shft || window.event.shiftKey); } } if (e._repeated) { keyRepeat=2; } else if (e._repeat) { keyRepeat=1; } } else if (window.event) { ch=window.event.keyCode; //ctrl=(window.event.ctrlKey); ctrl=(window.event.ctrlKey && !window.event.altKey); // allow alt gr == ctrl alt shft=(window.event.shiftKey); if (window.event._repeated) { keyRepeat=2; } else if (window.event._repeat) { keyRepeat=1; } } else { return true; } if (ch=='' && remapped==false) { // map specials if (e==null) e=window.event; if (e.charCode==0 && e.keyCode) { if (e.DOM_VK_UP) { var dkr=tg.termDomKeyRef; for (var i in dkr) { if (e[i] && e.keyCode == e[i]) { ch=dkr[i]; break; } } } else { // NS4 if (e.keyCode==28) { ch=termKey.LEFT; } else if (e.keyCode==29) { ch=termKey.RIGHT; } else if (e.keyCode==30) { ch=termKey.UP; } else if (e.keyCode==31) { ch=termKey.DOWN; } // Mozilla alike but no DOM support else if (e.keyCode==37) { ch=termKey.LEFT; } else if (e.keyCode==39) { ch=termKey.RIGHT; } else if (e.keyCode==38) { ch=termKey.UP; } else if (e.keyCode==40) { ch=termKey.DOWN; } // just to have the TAB mapping here too else if (e.keyCode==9) { ch=termKey.TAB; } } } } // leave on unicode private use area (might be function key etc) if ((ch>=0xE000) && (ch<= 0xF8FF)) return; if (keyRepeat) { tg.clearRepeatTimer(); tg.keyRepeatTimer = window.setTimeout( 'Terminal.prototype.globals.doKeyRepeat('+ch+')', (keyRepeat==1)? tg.keyRepeatDelay1:tg.keyRepeatDelay2 ); } // key actions if (term.charMode) { term.insert=false; term.inputChar=ch; term.lineBuffer=''; term.handler(); if (ch<=32 && window.event) window.event.cancelBubble=true; return false; } if (!ctrl) { // special keys if (ch==termKey.CR) { term.lock=true; term.cursorOff(); term.insert=false; if (term.rawMode) { term.lineBuffer=term.lastLine; } else if (term.fieldMode) { term.lineBuffer=term.lastLine; term.exitFieldMode(); } else { term.lineBuffer=term._getLine(true); if ( term.lineBuffer!='' && (!term.historyUnique || term.history.length==0 || term.lineBuffer!=term.history[term.history.length-1]) ) { term.history[term.history.length]=term.lineBuffer; } term.histPtr=term.history.length; } term.lastLine=''; term.inputChar=0; term.handler(); if (window.event) window.event.cancelBubble=true; return false; } else if (term.fieldMode) { if (ch==termKey.ESC) { term.lineBuffer=term.lastLine=''; term.exitFieldMode(); term.lastLine=''; term.inputChar=0; term.handler(); if (window.event) window.event.cancelBubble=true; return false; } else if (ch==termKey.LEFT) { if (term.fieldC>0) term.fieldC--; } else if (ch==termKey.RIGHT) { if (term.fieldC0) { term.lastLine=term.lastLine.substring(0,term.fieldC-1)+term.lastLine.substring(term.fieldC); term.fieldC--; } } else if (ch==termKey.DEL) { if (term.fieldC=32) { term.lastLine=term.lastLine.substring(0,term.fieldC)+String.fromCharCode(ch)+term.lastLine.substring(term.fieldC); term.fieldC++; } term.drawField(); return false; } else if (ch==termKey.ESC && term.conf.closeOnESC) { term.close(); if (window.event) window.event.cancelBubble=true; return false; } if (ch<32 && term.rawMode) { if (window.event) window.event.cancelBubble=true; return false; } else { if (ch==termKey.LEFT) { term.cursorLeft(); if (window.event) window.event.cancelBubble=true; return false; } else if (ch==termKey.RIGHT) { term.cursorRight(); if (window.event) window.event.cancelBubble=true; return false; } else if (ch==termKey.UP) { term.cursorOff(); if (term.histPtr==term.history.length) term.lastLine=term._getLine(); term._clearLine(); if (term.history.length && term.histPtr>=0) { if (term.histPtr>0) term.histPtr--; term.type(term.history[term.histPtr]); } else if (term.lastLine) { term.type(term.lastLine); } term.cursorOn(); if (window.event) window.event.cancelBubble=true; return false; } else if (ch==termKey.DOWN) { term.cursorOff(); if (term.histPtr==term.history.length) term.lastLine=term._getLine(); term._clearLine(); if (term.history.length && term.histPtr<=term.history.length) { if (term.histPtr=65 && ch<=96) || ch==63) { // remap canonical if (ch==63) { ch=31; } else { ch-=64; } } term.inputChar=ch; term.ctrlHandler(); if (window.event) window.event.cancelBubble=true; return false; } else if (ctrl || !term.isPrintable(ch,true)) { if (window.event) window.event.cancelBubble=true; return false; } else if (term.isPrintable(ch,true)) { if (term.blinkTimer) clearTimeout(term.blinkTimer); if (term.insert) { term.cursorOff(); term._scrollRight(term.r,term.c); } term._charOut(ch); term.cursorOn(); if (ch==32 && window.event) { window.event.cancelBubble=true; } else if (window.opera && window.event) { window.event.cancelBubble=true; } return false; } } return true; }, // gui mappings hasSubDivs: false, termStringStart: '', termStringEnd: '', termSpecials: { // special HTML escapes 0: ' ', 1: ' ', 9: ' ', 32: ' ', 34: '"', 38: '&', 60: '<', 62: '>', 127: '◊', 0x20AC: '€' }, // extensive list of max 8 styles (2^n, n<16) termStyles: [1,2,4,8, 16], // style markup: one letter keys, reserved keys: "p" (plain), "c" (color) termStyleMarkup: { 'r': 1, 'u': 2, 'i': 4, 's': 8, 'b': 16 // map "b" to 16 (italics) for ANSI mapping }, // mappings for styles (heading HTML) termStyleOpen: { 1: '', 2: '', 4: '', 8: '', 16: '' }, // mapping for styles (trailing HTML) termStyleClose: { 1: '<\/span>', 2: '<\/u>', 4: '<\/i>', 8: '<\/strike>', 16: '' }, // method to install custom styles assignStyle: function(styleCode, markup, htmlOpen, htmlClose) { var tg=Terminal.prototype.globals; // check params if (!styleCode || isNaN(styleCode)) { if (styleCode>=256) { alert('termlib.js:\nCould not assign style.\n'+s+' is not a valid power of 2 between 0 and 256.'); return; } } var s=styleCode&0xff; var matched=false; for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { if ((s>>>i)&1) { if (matched) { alert('termlib.js:\nCould not assign style code.\n'+s+' is not a power of 2!'); return; } matched=true; } } if (!matched) { alert('termlib.js:\nCould not assign style code.\n'+s+' is not a valid power of 2 between 0 and 256.'); return; } markup=String(markup).toLowerCase(); if (markup=='c' || markup=='p') { alert('termlib.js:\nCould not assign mark up.\n"'+markup+'" is a reserved code.'); return; } if (markup.length>1) { alert('termlib.js:\nCould not assign mark up.\n"'+markup+'" is not a single letter code.'); return; } var exists=false; for (var i=0; i=32) { var cs=unescape("%"+high+low); termString_keyref[cc]=cs; termString_keycoderef[cs]=cc; } } } }, _extendMissingStringMethods: function() { if (!String.fromCharCode || !String.prototype.charCodeAt) { Terminal.prototype.globals._termString_makeKeyref(); } if (!String.fromCharCode) { String.fromCharCode=function(cc) { return (cc!=null)? Terminal.prototype.globals.termString_keyref[cc] : ''; }; } if (!String.prototype.charCodeAt) { String.prototype.charCodeAt=function(n) { cs=this.charAt(n); return (Terminal.prototype.globals.termString_keycoderef[cs])? Terminal.prototype.globals.termString_keycoderef[cs] : 0; }; } } // end of Terminal.prototype.globals } // end of Terminal.prototype } // initialize global data Terminal.prototype.globals._initGlobals(); // global entities for backward compatibility with termlib 1.x applications var TerminalDefaults = Terminal.prototype.Defaults; var termDefaultHandler = Terminal.prototype.defaultHandler; var TermGlobals = Terminal.prototype.globals; var termKey = Terminal.prototype.globals.termKey; var termDomKeyRef = Terminal.prototype.globals.termDomKeyRef; /* === termlib.js Socket Extension v.1.02 === (c) Norbert Landsteiner 2003-2007 mass:werk - media environments # Synopsis: Integrates async XMLHttpRequests (AJAX/JSON) tightly into termlib.js # Example: myTerm = new Terminal( { handler: myTermHandler } ); myTerm.open(); function myTermHandler() { this.newLine(); if (this.lineBuffer == 'get file') { myTerm.send( { url: 'myservice', data: { book: 'theBook', chapter: 7, page: 45 }, callback: myCallback } ); return; } else { // ... } this.prompt(); } function myCallback() { if (this.socket.success) { this.write(this.socket.responseText); } else { this.write('OOPS: ' + this.socket.status + ' ' + this.socket.statusText); if (this.socket.errno) { this.newLine(); this.write('Error: ' + this.socket.errstring); } } this.prompt(); } # Documentation: for usage and description see readme.txt chapter 13: or refer to the sample page: */ Terminal.prototype._HttpSocket = function() { var req=null; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { try { req=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) {} } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { var prtcls=this._msXMLHttpObjects; for (var i=0; i1) this.prototype._msXMLHttpObjects= [ prtcls[i] ]; break; } } catch(e) {} } } this.request=req; this.url; this.data=null; this.query=''; this.timeoutTimer=null; this.localMode=Boolean(window.location.href.search(/^file:/i)==0); this.error=0; } Terminal.prototype._HttpSocket.prototype = { version: '1.02', // config useXMLEncoding: false, // use ";" as separator if true, "&" else defaulTimeout: 10000, // request timeout in ticks (milliseconds) defaultMethod: 'GET', forceNewline: true, // translate line-breaks in responseText to newlines // static const errno: { OK: 0, NOTIMPLEMENTED: 1, FATALERROR: 2, TIMEOUT: 3, NETWORKERROR: 4, LOCALFILEERROR: 5 }, errstring: [ '', 'XMLHttpRequest not implemented.', 'Could not open XMLHttpRequest.', 'The connection timed out.', 'Network error.', 'The requested local document was not found.' ], // private static data _msXMLHttpObjects: [ 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.5.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0' ], // internal methods serializeData: function() { this.query=this.serialize(this.data); }, serialize: function(data) { var v=''; if( data != null ) { switch (typeof data) { case 'object': var d=[]; if (data instanceof Array) { // array for (var i=0; i= 200 && r.status < 300) { success=true; } else if (r.status >= 12000) { // MSIE network error failed=true; this.error=this.errno.NETWORKERROR; } } } } catch(e) {} if (!failed) { response.status=r.status; response.statusText= (r.status==404)? 'Not Found':r.statusText; // force correct header response.responseText=r.responseText; response.responseXML=r.responseXML; if (this.getHeaders) { if (this.getHeaders instanceof Array) { for (var i=0; i